In order to monitor the trends in groundwater quality evolution, BGR and WAJ established an Annual Groundwater Sampling, which is conducted every year on the same set of monitoring locations throughout Jordan. The monitoring network aims to capture all major aquifers as well as all governorates of Jordan. The monitoring points are sampled for a defined set of water quality parameters, and presented in the groundwater quality dashboard. This map shows the distribution of the monitoring locations and the aquifers they draw most of their water from. These monitoring locations represent a mix of springs and domestic, agricultural and industrial wells. The aquifers from which they retrieve their water are symbolised by the different colours or can be identified in the mouse-over, as well as their elevation and drilled depth. However, as the wells aim to capture the largest quantity of water possible, most of them draw addtional water from overlying aquifers. Hence, most wells represent a rather mixed groundwater source and cannot be considered 100 % representative for the groundwater in the assigned aquifer.
The first campaign started in 2022 and 79 wells were sampled.
Results from the Annual Groundwater Sampling campaign in 2022:
Results from the Annual Groundwater Sampling campaign in 2022: